Monday, February 15, 2010

Success Principles Mentorship Program by Jack Canfield Success Principles Workshop Training


I just received this mentorship message from Jack Canfield. This is just a preview of the type of message you'll receive under when you enroll in Jack Canfield's FREE Success Principles Mentorship Program. Check it out here or here.

Here's the message from Jack Canfield:

One thing we know about successful people is they have learned
to say 'no' to people, projects and priorities that keep them
from moving forward on their success path.

In fact, they believe saying 'no' is just as acceptable as
saying 'yes.' They don't experience any guilt in saying no,
and oftentimes, they don't even explain why they're saying it!

They simply guard their time, talents and commitment very
carefully...dedicating themselves only to top priorities and

We could all say 'no' a lot more often to time-stealers that
don't have a high pay-off. Take a look at the list below of
things you could cut down on TODAY by saying no:

1.) Non-essential email such as poems, jokes and stories.
Write a polite, 'take-me-off-your-feel-good-list' response
you can create as an email signature to reply whenever you
receive these. If you are rountinely copied on inner-office
email that doesn't apply to you, ask to be taken off the list.

2.) Telemarketing calls. Log on to to have
your telephone number (including your cell phone number)
removed from telemarketing lists.

3). Other people's busy work. Direct co-workers to readily
available information they can locate, print and read on their
own, once they know where to find it -- instead of asking you
as an easier 'go-to' source.

4.) Crisis deadlines. Ask to be notified well in advance of
deadlines so you are more in control of the delivery of
projects. Politely advise co-workers you cannot bail them out
at the last minute when they miss THEIR deadlines. Always ask
if the deadline is truly a high priority -- ultimately,
many are not.

Once you've turned your attention to the four immediate
time-stealers above, look around for other things you could
(and should) legitimately say 'no' to.

As you free up your time for more successful activity, get
ready to completely redefine your schedule the way the world's
most successful entrepreneurs do. That's tomorrow's lesson.

We'll see you then.

In friendship,


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

If you'd like to receive messages like this in your own inbox, please register for
the free Success Principles Mentorship Program offered at or

Want to know more about Jack Canfield? Want to learn more about the Success Principles and about Jack's beliefs and methods? Check out the recommended resources below:

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