Thursday, February 11, 2010

Jack Canfield Success Principles Workshop in Atlanta

-- Here's a letter from Jack Canfield:

For the first time ever, I'll be bringing my strategies to Atlanta (and 4 other major cities), working directly with my customers, colleagues and friends to create a plan for getting what you want in 2010 -- in your life, your career, your finances and more.

If you've been reading The Success Principles, if you've followed my emails about using these principles to achieve your dream list or if you've simply been inspired by what you learned in The Secret, Chicken Soup for the Soul or my other books and training tools -- I know you'll be thrilled with this special invitation to meet me in Atlanta on January 30th.
Not only will I be teaching you how to use The Success Principles to create a better life in 2010, I'll be guiding you through developing a comprehensive "wants" list -- and a plan for achieving those wants in your career, relationships, finances, health, romantic life, leisure pursuits and more. 
I'll even give you a step-by-step formula that will have you in action pursuing your dreams faster than you ever thought possible.
Best of all, you can attend this first-of-its-kind event in Atlanta at a modest price -- and receive valuable benefits you'll read about at
Even if you live outside the greater Atlanta area; I encourage you to make the trip as others will be doing. You can also visit the website to see my schedule of additional cities and dates.
Over an entire day together…
•  We’ll work to make sure you’re in your right livelihood (or have a plan to transition into it)—doing work you’re passionate about and making an excellent income doing what you love to do. 
• We’ll work on improving your relationships—at home, at the office, with your special someone, or with a future soul mate who will love and cherish you.
• We’ll chronicle the steps you need to improve your finances… including how to attract new sources of wealth and how to focus on maximizing your current income.
•  We’ll work together to create a plan for your optimum health in 2010—whether you want to lose weight, eat better, become more active or just feel healthier.
• I’ll even give you a plan for moving forward in any endeavor—applying The Success Principles to every aspect (and goal) of your life this year.
Once you register, you'll receive complete attendance details for the 1-day event being held at the Sheraton Atlanta. 
But be advised...seats are highly limited.
Click through now to read more and claim your seat (click on the box that reads “Atlanta—January 30th” to register):

I look forward to helping you make 2010 the best ever!

Your Success Mentor,
Jack Canfield
CEO, The Canfield Training Group

Maximizing Human Potential

-- Personally I'd give anything to attend Jack Canfield's seminar. I've only been reading his book for about a month now (it's taking longer than a normal book because it's packed with loads of exercises and activities to do not just once but some should be done everyday) but already I can feel and see with tangible results that it's truly working. If with just half a book and I'm already getting tremendous results then I'm more than eager and excited to find out the exciting life that's ahead of me after I attend Jack Canfield's Success Principles Workshop. I live here in the Philippines and he's going to be conducting his Success Principles workshop here on September 27, 2010.  There are no ticket prices yet but I'm sure that it'll be worth every penny. Plus I'm sure that just like in his United States workshops, there'll be group discounts! For the workshops in the United States, group registration participants get as much as 30% off their individual ticket prices! So please, please, please let me know if you guys are interested to attend his workshop. Let's all register together, get the huge discount and say hello to our dream life for 2010 and beyond!

**They're still ironing out the details for the Philippine leg as well as his other destinations here in Asia but you can already see some information and details here at

Check out these books from Jack Canfield:

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